
Academic Departments, Fraternity and Sorority Organizations, or Student Organizations on campus can lead weekend partnership trips with MAB in the fall and/or spring semester. Groups of 6 or 12 students (including 2 site leaders per trip) register for a partnership trip as a group together, rather than sending in individual applications. Partnership trip participants and site leaders are selected within their own organization. Partnership trips are a great way for any organization on campus to travel to another community in Missouri and bond over service.

Partnership Trip Registration
Students serving with Coastal Empire Habitat for Humanity in Savannah, Georgia.

More Details

Partnership trips can be any group of students who are all affiliated with another campus-related group, academic programs/departments, student organizations, and/or volunteer groups. The cost to site lead is $65 per site leader and the cost to participate is $115 per student. No fundraising is required. The participant fee covers transportation, food, MAB t-shirt, trip supplies, and pre-trip and post-trip events.

If your organization is interested in leading a weekend partnership trip, please complete our Partnership Registration Form. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please reach out to us at